Services & Rates

About Our Services

Please text for an appointment.  We have very limited availability, if you do not get a response we recommend Poy Engwall at Spring Hill Holistic Wellness Center.

 All services, unless the client is late and there is another client immediately after, get the full advertised duration (60 minutes = 60 minutes!).  All massage services incorporate aromatherapy and hot towels for a unique experience.  For those interested or needing it, cupping therapy can also be used.  All massage sessions are tailored specifically to each customer's needs and situation.

While we are forgiving of emergencies, any non-emergency cancellation less than 24 hours in advance will forfeit the appointment fee (first time is forgiven).

Cash and Credit Cards accepted.  Motor Vehicle Accident PIP claims accepted for massage. 


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Mobile Massage

Prices for the massages are the same, with an added $10 trip fee ($0 if you have your own massage table).  This fee is only offered within Spring Hill/Brooksville areas, $15 outside this area but less than 25 miles, more than 25 miles a higher fee may be assessed. 

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Myofascial Release Massage

30 minutes: $35
45 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $65
75 minutes: $80
90 minutes: $95

We do NOT use firm pressure.  Myofascial release uses the pressure your tissue responds to, which can be anywhere from very light to medium or medium/firm.

This type of massage incorporates multiple techniques, including swedish, myofascial release/deep tissue therapy, structural integration and Anatomy trains, trigger point therapy, and more in order to relieve pain and injuries.  We assess your overall balance and where your body is holding tension and adhesions, and tailor your massages to relieve pain and discomfort in as few sessions as possible.  While our methods are very gentle, sometimes this work can be deep and uncomfortable at times when working areas with fascial adhesions and restrictions, so communication is crucial during these sessions.


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Coaching, Homeopathy, and Herbal Consultations

60 minutes: $65
15-45 minutes: $30-$50

Coaching sessions

Initial session: 60 minutes ($65)

Follow-up sessions: 30-45 minutes based on needs ($40-$50)

Format can be in home or over Zoom.

Coaching sessions with Darcy can include the setting, tracking, and obtaining of goals for any topic (health, career, relationships, etc) and can include techniques such as motivational interviewing.  For those who are seeking help with health, this session can also include health education and suggestions for referrals to different providers that may be able to assist further.


Initial consultation: 30 minutes ($45)

Follow-up (easy): 15 minutes ($30)

Follow-up (reassessment or reevaluation): up to 30 minutes (up to $45 depending on time spent)

Homeopathy and herb consultations are more targeted on mental, emotional, and physical experiences.  Darcy will interview you and try to match you with a homeopathic remedy and/or herbs that can assist you with your issues.

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CranioSacral (SM)

45-60 minutes: $60-$75

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull. Developed by physician William Sutherland, this therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing healing experience.  This is added into a myofascial release massage.

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Foot Reflexology

30 minutes: $25
60 minutes: $55

Reflexology is a type of bodywork that focuses on applying pressure to the specific nerve zones in your feet. Unlike other foot massages that intend to mostly relieve tension in the feet themselves, reflexology is a far more in-depth science that aims to harmonize your entire body. According to reflexology, every part of the human body is mapped into your feet.  This treatment includes hot towels and is very relaxing!  You can also add this as an additional service with a regular massage!


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Military/Veteran and Senior Rate

As a veteran-owned business, we always offer military and veterans a special discount on all massage services (does not include Reiki).  We also offer a senior discount for those over the age of 65.  $5 off!

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